Rorion Gracie Commends Meryl Streep, But Reminds Her Of MMA’s Origins

Helio Gracie’s oldest son, ninth-degree BJJ red belt Rorion Gracie had some things he wanted to say to Meryl Streep, and for the most part, they were quite flattering.

“I commend Meryl Streep’s courage, who as a good fighter, takes on a bigger opponent!” Rorion wrote in a Facebook post. “She was just misinformed regarding the origins of MMA. It was actually created by me, and I was born in Brazil!”

I commend Meryl Streep's courage, who as a good fighter, takes on a bigger opponent! She was just misinformed regarding…

Posted by Rorion Gracie on Monday, January 9, 2017

Streep earned herself some ire in the MMA community when she made the rather absurd claim that if all the foreigners in Hollywood were kicked out of the country, America would be left with nothing more than football and MMA.

So Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. And if we kick them all out you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.

As many, including myself, were quick to remind Miss Streep, not only would Hollywood have plenty of American-born employees to keep itself afloat after a mass deportation, but mixed martial arts is also “crawling with foreigners” and would no doubt suffer as much (if not more) than Hollywood.

Hopefully, Streep will take up Korean-born Bellator President Scott Coker up on his offer and attend an MMA event.

It might do her a bit of good to learn about the sport she’s making such absurd claims about.


The post Rorion Gracie Commends Meryl Streep, But Reminds Her Of MMA’s Origins appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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