Romulo Barral teaching at his academy, Gracie Barra Northridge / Photo by Erin Herle
Catching up with Romulo Barral on his road to preparing for the IBJJ Pro League this Saturday, December 8, GRACIEMAG.com was able to watch the advanced class at Gracie Barra Northridge. After all, he isn’t the only one who is competing this weekend.
GMA member Gracie Barra Northridge has 14 students signed up to compete at the 2012 IBJJF Long Beach Fall Open happening the day of the IBJJ Pro League. Being the last IBJJF competition of the year, many of them jumped in on the chance to participate in what will be a jam packed day at the Long Beach Walter Pyramid. Romulo will be coaching his students who range from white belt adult male and female to senior 1 purple belt male.
Check out the video below to receive your invitation to both events from these active members of our community and don’t miss the showcase of photos located directly under!
For more information please visit: www.ibjjf.org
To see the schedule please visit: www.ibjjf.org/longbeachfall2012schedule.htm
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