BJJ Tour CT 2014. Photo: Dan Rod
GMA member Claudio Franca has announced yet another date for tournaments around the country– BJJ Tour Connecticut. The one-day gi competition will be held on June 13 at the Wheeler Recreation Field House in Bridgeport, CT.
Registration is now open for the discounted prices as follows:
Kids: $60.00
Juvenile, Adult, Masters: $75.00
These prices will remain until the regular registration period begins on May 26.
The event will be located on the campus of the University of Bridgeport: 120 Waldermere Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604.
It is with this tournament that the new prize structure will be featured. Black belts will receive cash prizes for winning their divisions and schools can win prizes for their overall scores. The ranking system will also be in effect and this tournament will calculate into overall BJJTour points and BJJTour ranks.
You can register now at https://t360.azurewebsites.net/bjjtour/connecticut.aspx
And learn more information at www.bjjtour.com
The post Registration now open for BJJ Tour Connecticut on June 13 with early discount! first appeared on Graciemag.