Zak in a photo by Alicia Anthony from the Worlds 2009
As Saulo Ribeiro said yesterday, in an interview on Budovideos.com, the brown belt division is like the NBA draft, where the new dynamos to wow the crowds arise.
In Irvine the absolute brown belt division of the Pan 2010 crowned a champion from Gracie Humaitá. Zak, known for his cool-headedness and highly attacking game, overcame in the final another ace, Lucas Rocha, of Gracie Barra Pernambuco.
Lighter than their opponents, both demonstrated loads of technique and made it to the final for due merit. Congratulations to their teachers, Regis Lebre and Zé Radiola, for having helped produce a bountiful new crop for Jiu-Jitsu. Check out the complete results and a photo gallery on IBJJF.org.
Absolute brown:
1) Zak Maxwell (Gracie Humaitá)
2) Lucas Rocha (Gracie Barra)
3) Gustavo Junqueira (Alliance)
3) Antonio Antonioli (Sul JJ)
Brown belt Absolute champions over the years:
1996 – Tatá Duarte
1997 – Carlos Chermont
1998 – Bruno Fernandes
1999 – Rodrigo Minotauro
2000 – Erik Wanderley
2001 – Marcel Louzado
2002 – Roger Gracie
2003 – Braulio Estima
2004 – André Galvão
2005- Romulo Barral
2006- Tarsis Humphreys
2007 – Abmar Barbosa
2008 – Kron Gracie
2009 – João Assis
2010 – Zak Maxwell