Cristiano Marcello and the folks from CM System. Photo: Carlos Ozório
Not having fought since September 2007, Cristiano Marcello returned on the right foot and quickly put away Argentina’s Emiliano “Cobra” Vatti at Bitetti Combat 6. After the match, the Jiu-Jitsu black belt was pure joy.
“I was really happy because he was a tough guy with 28 fights under his belt, contrary to what I had imagined. These days there are no free means and I think he was brave to have come face me here in Brazil. I showed that I’m in rhythm, after more than two years away. I’d told you before I’d win by knockout or submission. I want to go on to greater things out there, but for now I’ll be back at Bitetti. The event was broadcast abroad and a lot of folks called me saying I did really well. I’ll leave analyzing my fight to you all. It is difficult to talk about me, but I’m very happy,” said the fighter, who will take his opponent at BC6 with him to CM System, where they will train together.
With the win, Marcello hopes new doors will open in his career.
“I think that it’ll happen. I have 13 fights, 11 wins, all by knockout or submission. It’s time. I’ll tell you something, I’m stoked, happy with my team and everything that is happening in my life. I guess I’m honored. I have a lot of friends in the realm where I work. I think the doors will open. ”
The next step, though, is to help Fabrício Morango, who faces Kurt Pellegrino at UFC 111.
“I will now help (Fabrício) Morango prepare for the UFC. For those who don’t know, he’s my cousin. I couldn’t help him for his other fights, but now I will contribute and make to most of it to learn, too. We have to keep on evolving. ”
However, he guarantees his team, CM System not be left behind in Curitiba while he is away.
“There are 20 black belts. I count on the likes of Bruno Carvalho, Marcelo Zulu, Daniel Acacio, Ocimar Coast … I have good backup. Of course things only move forward when the owner is around, but I’ll be involved in everything that goes on there. For them it will be good, because I’ll be there opening doors for everyone. In March three fighters of mine will fight, so I can’t stop thinking about them. Thank God I can work as Cristiano the coach and the fighter. I am very happy,” he said in conclusion.