After a fantastic day yesterday, one of the first matches on was an unmissable war. Richard Alarcon was coming straight off his loss to Ashley Williams at Polaris 12, into meeting Joao Miyao in the quarter-finals of No Gi Worlds today. This added some intrigue as Miyao was originally scheduled to face Williams before having to drop out, and it took the entire match for a winner to be determined.
Alarcon shot in for a takedown early on but Miyao accepted this and immediately elevated Alarcon and went underneath him to start attacking his legs. The next few minutes of the match were spent with Miyao working furiously, switching between Toe-Hold and Straight Ankle-Lock attempts and whenever he got a good enough bite to force Alarcon to sit back and defend, he immediately came up and started to work his passing game.
This resulted in Miyao going 6-2 up on points due to repeated successful sweeps as he chained his leglock and passing game together effortlessly. Once he finally found the pass he was looking for, he quickly racked up points by advancing position repeatedly and went 13-2 up before long. He started to lock up a Kimura grip from full mount and in the blink of an eye he used it to switch to an armbar.
Alarcon had to work very hard for about a minute and a half to find his way out of the armbar while Miyao was waiting patiently. The moment Alarcon got to his knees, Miyao switched back to the Kimura and forced Alarcon to defend this attack for the remaining few seconds of the match.
Alarcon is definitely good enough to hang with Miyao but today, he just managed to attack relentlessly with varied submission attempts as soon as it hit the mat. While Alarcon was constantly on the defense, it left little room for him to mount any real challenge of his own.
Joao Miyao moves on to the Semi-Finals now to face Anthony Guy De Oliveira who beat Suraj Kumar Budhram on his way there.
This article is part of our weekend’s coverage of No Gi Worlds 2019, for more results click here.
Or to watch live or book a place at the Nogi Worlds in Anaheim, California, click here.

The post No Gi Worlds 2019 Results: Joao Miyao is Too Much For Richard Alarcon appeared first on Grappling Insider.