Neto at Amazon Forest in Manaus / Photo: Arthur Castro
Coming up October 21st in the town of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro state, is Campos Combat. The mixed martial art event will mark the return of Antonio Braga Neto (7w, 1l) since his spectacular win over Maiquel Falvão in Manaus, as reported by GRACIEMAG.com collaborator Junior Samurai.
In Rio de Janeiro’s petroleum hub, the bouts on tap look likely to catch fire. Foremost on the card are international matchups pitting Braga Neto against Argentina’s Matias Lemon and Leonardo Santos against Lemon’s countryman Javier Ganin, while 2002 Jiu-Jitsu world champion Delson “Pé de Chumbo” Heleno takes on Paraguay’s Edgar Dayon.
Also confirmed for the event are Gustavo Ximu, Leonardo Peçanha and Paulão Filho, who will be squaring off with Matias Sosa, Cesar Arce Mendez and Arturo Tutu “Monster”, respectively.
And the fighters on under card wield a similar level of experience and prowess, with Paulo “Rambinho” clashing with Thiago Ximaru, Aloísio “Dado” taking on hometown boy Paulo Vitor, and Marcus Vinicius promising fireworks against Leonardo “Tangerina”. “I’m training hard here in Recife; things will get nasty,” says the burly Pernambuco-state native.
And overseeing the action in the action in the cage, Campos Combat called up UFC referee Mario Yamasaki.
Campos Combat
Parque de Exposições Pecuárias, Campos, RJ
October 21, 2011
Leandro Sete Bala Manhães vs Emiliano Vatti (Base Team)
Antônio Braga Neto (Gracie Fusion/Gordo) vs Matias Lemon (Top Fighteam)
Delson Pé de Chumbo (Gracie Fusion/Gordo) vs Edgar Dayon (Ryuken)
Gustavo Ximu (Gracie Barra) vs Matias Sosa (Top Fighteam)
Leonardo Peçanha (Nova União USA) vs Cesar Arce Mendez (Arce Team)
Léo Santos (Nova União) vs Javier Gannin (Gannin Team)
Paulão Filho (BTT) vs Arturo ”Tutu Monster” (Team Arce)
Under card
Marcos Vinícius (Nine Nine) vs Leonardo Tangerina (Gracie Fusion/Gordo)
Ari Santos (Nova União Campos) vs Luciano Gandhi (Vitória Fighter Laercio Nunes)
Magno Magu (Nova União Campos) vs Vinicius Batuta (Art Combat)
Paulo Rambinho (Art Combat) vs Thiago Ximaru (Paulão Filho Team)
Paulo Vitor (Nova União Campos) vs Aloisio Dado (Gracie Fusion)