Milton and Eloy call on one and all for Long Island Pride

The following is an invitation from Milton Regis and Eloy Santos calling on one and all to attend the coming Long Island Pride tournament:

Dear Professor,

The next edition of Long Island Pride Jiu Jitsu will take place at York College, Sunday, June 13, 2010. This edition is no gi and is open to all ages and belts. For us, it is always a pleasure to invite and receive your competition team to participate and motivate the growth of this sport. Participating in this competition is not only an opportunity to show the development of your students, but also a way for professors to obtain more students. Almost 90% of competitors invite family members, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and friends that follow and watch this show, which motivates everyone to learn for themselves. From our part we are offering the following benefits:

1) Each school is given the registration of one student for free per competition, a scholarship. We suggest you use this benefit to the student that is passing through a difficult financial situation, but trains a lot and deserves a little push.

2)Once we have confirmed the name of one student, your school name will be automatically included in emails that we send out directly to over 40,000 people. Our email list includes people that are directly and indirectly involved in the event. In this way your school will be highlighted and this will help bring you more students.

3) Along with this, the competition will be paying the professor $10 for each registered student up to 10 students.

Once you have more than 10 students registered, you will receive $12 per student. With Gracie Magazine and Tatame covering the event, your school logo will have another chance to be spotlighted. In summary, the idea of the promoters of this event is to give incentives for all professors. Many schools have already confirmed their presence, both local schools and schools from other states.

Once again, thank you for your support. We are working to make this a great show. Please do not forget that if you have someone to fight in the black or brown Super Belt Division, please enter in contact with us as soon as possible.

Super Belt Division(Super Belt Pride NY $2000 Cash Prize) Guybson Sa/Black Belt-East West Combat Club, Tom Muller/Black Belt-Gracie Barra Long Island-

Best Regards,

Milton Regis and Eloy Santos

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