Man Attacks US Marine With Baseball Bat, Get Put To Sleep

A former Marine puts baseball bat wielding attacker to sleep. Edgar Martinez, 26, and the Marine began arguing over a parking space. Martinez escalated the confrontation by yelling and shouting obscenities at the ex-Marine who was still sitting in his car.

When the Marine got out of his car his car, Martinez could see that the former Marine was bigger and taller than him and had a clear advantage. Apparently, Martinez thought better of tangling with the former Marine and ran into his house. Thinking the incident was over, the ex-Marine walks back towards his car and continues his phone conversation.

Suddenly, Martinez storms out of his house carrying a baseball bat and takes a running swing at the former Marine with the bat. This move was a huge mistake on Martinez’s part. The well trained Marine used his size and height advantage to slam and pin Martinez against a parked car.

During the struggle, Martinez screams for one of his neighbors to call the police and tries to scratch at the Marine’s face. The former Marine puts Martinez in a choke hold and lays the unconscious Martinez on the sidewalk. He looked for and finds his phone that he lost during the struggle and calls the police.

Martinez was charged with assault. The former Marine, who did not wish to have his identity known, was not charged. The incident occurred in Philadelphia in 2014 and was captured on CCTV.

The post Man Attacks US Marine With Baseball Bat, Get Put To Sleep appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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