Mackenzie Derns Wins via Unanimous Decision Against Kenia Rosas

Mackenzie Dern is an established BJJ expert with numerous titles to her name. Now that she has finally transitioned to MMA, observers are confident that she will be one of the most dominant in her weight class.

This Friday night, Mackenzie wins her MMA debut at Legacy 58. She went in as the overwhelming favorite against Kenia Rosas. It was not an easy victory, though. Rosas proved to be a tough defensive specialist who was able to escape various submission attempts.

Still, it was clear that Dern was the better fighter on the mat. The match went the distance with all three judges scoring in favor of Dern with 30-27, 30-25 and 30-26.

The post Mackenzie Derns Wins via Unanimous Decision Against Kenia Rosas appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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