Last day for Worlds; find out who’s in

This Wednesday the 25th marks the last day to sign up for the Jiu-Jitsu World Championship. A number of submission savants may still pop up on the roster, but the ones already confirmed at black belt are plenty guarantee sparks will fly at the pyramid in Long Beach, California. Don’t miss the chance to compete among the best in the world; sign up here.

While enrollment rolls along at a steady pace, check out some of the big names already on the roster and take a look at the divisions already promising fireworks. To check the full roster so far, click here.

Roosterweight (14 signed up)

The tiniest competitors always bring the goods. Caio Terra, one of last year’s finalists, already figures on the lineup. Bruno Malfacine, the champion, has yet to appear. But don’t be surprised if some airborne Japanese, like Makoto Sawada, Yusuke Honma and Koji Shibamoto, show up in the mix.

Felipe Costa
Gabriel Alexander Rosberg
Rafael de Freitas
Caio Terra

Light featherweight (22 signed up)

Pablo in action

Champion of 2010 Pablo Silva is in. But there are other aces, like 2009’s champion Guilherme Mendes, adding broth to the stew.

Guilherme Mendes
Carlos Vieira Holanda
Pablo da Silva Santos
Samir Chantre
Laércio Fernandes
Bernardo Pitel

Featherweight (20 signed up)

Becoming champion of the featherweight division is never smooth sailing, especially when the gang from Atos is in the race. Add to the mix two-time champion Mario Reis, last year’s third place Denílson Pimenta, the USA’s Ryan Hall, veterans Wellington Megaton and Gabriel Willcox, and you have a recipe for excitement.

Eduardo Ramos
Bruno Frazatto
Rafael Mendes
Gabriel Willcox
Ryan Hall
Leonardo Saggioro
Denilson Pimenta
Mario Reis
Wellington Dias
Marcelino Freitas

Lightweight (34 signed up)

Another division with big-name fighters coming at you from every which way. The current champion, Michael Langhi, will have his hands full with the likes of three-time champion Celso Venícius and the promising Leandro Lo, who this year outdid the champ twice, at the Brazilian Nationals and the World Pro.

Lucas Lepri
Michael Langhi
Davi Ramos
Leandro Pereira Lo
Rodrigo Simões
Philipe Della Monica
Zak Maxwell
Jonathan Torres
Marcos Alejandro Torregrosa
Celso Venícius
Augusto Mendes Tanquinho

Middleweight (23 signed up)

More names are bound to crop up before sign-ups are over, but back belts like Claudio Calasans – aiming for a first world title – are already assurance enough that the level will be through the roof.

Claudio Calasans
Rodrigo Caporal
Clark Gracie
Vitor Henrique
Victor Estima
Gustavo Campos
Daniel Garcia

Medium heavyweight (20 signed up)

Barral in semifinal of absolute at Worlds against Xande / Photo: Ivan Trindade

Rômulo Barral was injured in the divisional final in 2010, keeping him from facing Roger Gracie in the absolute final. This season Barral is back among the favorites, with the help of teammate Otávio de Sousa.

Rômulo Barral
Otávio de Souza
Ian McPherson
Rogel Monsalve
Diego Gamonal
Benjamin Ross Baxter

Heavyweight (11 signed up)

Current champion Bernardo Faria will have his hands full against beasts like Rafael Lovato and Alexandro Ceconi.

Bernardo Augusto de Faria
Guybson Sá
Rafael Lovato Jr
Alexandro Ceconi

Superheavyweight (seven signed up)

Bochecha is the hands-down favorite, seeing as Lúcio Lagarto has run into trouble getting his US visa. But Roger Gracie may still show up to make things interesting.

Marcus Vinicius de Almeida
Lucio Rodrigues

Ultraheavyweight (11 signed up)

Cavaca (right) is CheckMat's great hope in the Worlds. Photo: Gustavo Aragão.

Cavaca will defend his title, but Roberto Cyborg and the massive Fabiano “Pega Leve” will be monumental obstacles for him in securing his second world title.

Rodrigo Cavaca
Roberto de Abreu Filho
Fabiano Andre Scherner


Among the fairer tapout artists, Michelle Nicolini, Fabiana Alves Borges and Ana Carolina are confirmed for the featherweight contest; Luanna Alzuguir is the big name at lightweight; Hannette Staack and Hillary Williams are in the middleweight mix; Talita “Treta” Nogueira and Tammy Griego are signed up at medium heavyweight; and Gabrielle Garcia is gunning for another title at heavyweight.

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