Lachlan Giles Shows How To Pass Half Guard (No-Gi)

Passing the opponent’s Half Guard can be extraordinarily difficult… Especially against someone who knows what they’re doing. Whose goal is to play the Half Guard game as much as possible. Luckily enough, there are plenty of ways to pass Half Guard . For example, the technique Lachlan Giles shows below works especially well in no-gi: Master The Kimura  With ADCC Absolute Medalist Lachlan Giles As He Teaches A Complete Guide To Controlling & Tapping The Opposition With 8-Volumes of Instruction. Learn a step-by-step method for setting up, finishing, and troubleshooting the kimura and all its most useful variations. See how to get to the kimura from north south, closed guard, half guard, guard passing, and more. The post Lachlan Giles Shows How To Pass Half Guard (No-Gi) appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe .
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