Khabib Nurmagomedov Honored And Given A Car At Ceremony Celebrating His Victory

Khabib Nurmagomedov’s victory over Conor McGregor at last Saturday’s UFC event has been the talk of MMA fans around the world since it happened. It’s no surprise that back at home, Nurmagomedov is being wildly celebrated for his win.

A video posted by Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic, shows Nurmagomedov being honored at a ceremony, where he received multiple honors and was presented with a new car. Check out the video below:

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Сегодня легендарный боец UFC @ufc Хабиб Нурмагомедов @khabib_nurmagomedov был не просто у нас в гостях, он был в самом центре общения с нашими ребятами из клуба «Ахмат» @akhmat_mma. Я уверен в том, что блестящих спортсменов, истинных патриотов и настоящих мужчин нужно поощрять, дать им понять, что они нам нужны не просто как чемпионы, а ещё и достойные примеры для нашей молодёжи… Именно поэтому и присвоено Хабибу почетное звание «Почетный гражданин города Грозного», вручена юбилейную медаль «200 лет городу Грозному» за номером 27, соответственно числу его блестящих побед. Указом Главы ЧР его тренеру и отцу Абдулманапу Нурмагомедову @abdulmanap.nurmagomedov присвоено звание «Заслуженный работник физической культуры ЧР». РОФ имени Героя России Ахмат-Хаджи Кадырова подарил Хабибу престижный автомобиль. Мы от души поздравляем Хабиба с заслуженным триумфом, желаем нашему Брату горского здоровья и новых побед! #ЗаКадырова #Чечня #Грозный #Дагестан #UFC #ХабибНурмагомедов #Хаба #АбдулманапНурмагомедов #АхматСила #кадыровЛучший #Единство #КадыровСила

A post shared by @ za_kadyrov_95 on

Rough translation: “Today, the legendary UFC @ufc fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov @khabib_nurmagomedov was not just our guest, he was at the very center of communication with our guys from the Ahmat club @ akhmat_mma. I am sure that brilliant athletes, true patriots and real men should be encouraged, let them know that we need them not just as champions, but also worthy examples for our young people … That is why Khabib was awarded the honorary title “Honorary a citizen of the city of Grozny ”, was awarded the anniversary medal“ 200 years of the city of Grozny ”at number 27, according to the number of his brilliant victories. By the decree of the Head of the CR, his coach and father Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov @ abdulmanap.nurmagomedov was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Czech Republic”. The Russian Hero of Russia Hero Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov presented a prestigious car to Habib. We heartily congratulate Khabib on a well-deserved triumph, wish our Brother highland health and new victories! # Zakadyrov # Chechnya # Grozny # Dagestan # UFC # HabibNurmagomedov # Hub # Abdulmanp Nurmagomedov # AkhmatSil # KadyrovBest # Unity # KadyrovSil”

The post Khabib Nurmagomedov Honored And Given A Car At Ceremony Celebrating His Victory appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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