Kelvin Gastelum TKO’s Vitor Belfort In The First, Calls Out Anderson Silva

Kelvin Gastelum is proving that he is a force to be reckoned with in the UFC’s middleweight division.

The 25-year-old took on former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Vitor “The Phenom” Belfort in the main event of UFC Fight Night 106. The two started their match feeling each other out, but the action heated up quickly. Vitor threw a spinning back kick at Gastelum, but didn’t cause any damage. Both fighters threw huge punches back and forth, and Vitor even attempted a flying knee.

The fight soon swung in Kelvin’s favor, though. Gastelum landed some huge punches that floored Vitor. The 25-year-old went in for the kill, dropping punch after punch on the downed Phenom.

Belfort, however, managed to struggle up to his feet. For a moment, he seemed like he was still in it, but when Gastelum landed more punches, that was it for Belfort. The former champion went down and the referee determined he could no longer intelligently defend himself.

After the fight, Gastelum addressed the crowd in their native Portuguese and asked them to join in as he sung “Happy Birthday” to his mother. Despite seeing their countryman destroyed in the first round, the crowd complied.

Kelvin also vowed to continue his legend killing tour, asking to fight one of the biggest names in UFC history – Anderson “The Spider” Silva – in Rio.

UFC fight fans will have to wait and see if the world’s biggest fight promotion gives Gastelum a shot at the legendary Spider, but until then, Kelvin can rest well knowing that he just scored one of the biggest wins in his career.

Winner by TKO in the very first round: Kelvin Gastelum!

The post Kelvin Gastelum TKO’s Vitor Belfort In The First, Calls Out Anderson Silva appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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