Kaynan Duarte is now the latest in a long line of BJJ athletes to be caught doping. USADA have just announced that Duarte will accept a one year suspension in response to being caught in violation of the IBJJF’s anti-doping policy. The substance that he tested positive for was Ostarine, which is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) and a popular performance enhancing drug. It was found via the post-match drug test administered to all winning athletes at the IBJJF World Championships 2019.
This comes after the first year that drug testing was introduced to the IBJJF World Championships and it came as no surprise that an athlete would test positive, especially given the short timeframe between the announcement and the tournament. USADA also provides drug testing for the UFC and given that it’s more common punishments range between two and four years, it appears as though Kaynan Duarte has got off lightly for his doping violation. USADA had the following to say regarding his sentence-length:
“After a thorough review of the evidence and cooperation from Duarte, USADA determined that the trace amount of ostarine detected in his sample was consistent with exposure to ostarine via cross-contamination. Additionally, a WADA-accredited laboratory confirmed a product possessed by a person close to Duarte contained ostarine, as listed on the product label, that could have been the source of the cross-contamination.”
Due to the fact that any suspension is always retroactive from the date of the failed test, Duarte will be eligible to compete again as of June 2nd, 2020. It does however mean that his gold medal from the IBJJF World Championships will instead revert to the man he beat in the final, Leandro Lo. It has been confirmed that the test will not effect his other recent IBJJF accomplishments, like his European and Pan-Am gold medals. It will of course, also not effect his achievements in other organisations like his ADCC gold medal, Spyder Championship tournament win or his Kasai Light-Heavyweight Title.
It should also have no effect on any upcoming appearances outside of the IBJJF, like the Polaris Absolute Grand Prix that he’s been announced for.
For tickets to the Polaris Absolute Grand Prix at The International Convention Centre in Newport, Wales on April 4th, click here.

The post Kaynan Duarte Stripped Of IBJJF World Title For Doping appeared first on Grappling Insider.