Want to give your opinion or share a point of view? Have a story to tell? Get published and truly contribute to the BJJ community! We want to hear from you!
We are currently accepting article submissions. Full credit given and "do follow" linking provided. Article may be promoted on social media and other web platforms.
Submissions must be sent and approved by Wednesday to be published on Friday. We publish 4 times a month (once a week).
Please send submissions for consideration to info@bjjreport.com

BJJ Report is a Combat Sports Magazine classified as a "magazine" by the United States Library of Congress ISSN #:2766-1709
Submission Guidelines:
- 300 word minimum up to 1500 word maximum
- Please no profanity
- Must be grammaticality correct (articles with incorrect grammar may be rejected or returned for resubmission)
- Original content preferred
- Multiple submissions accepted
- Anonymous submissions accepted (we will publish anonymously on your behalf when specified, however we must know who you are),
- No tolerance for hate speech.
- Feel free to include relevant, original photos. (no minors published without parent or guardian express permission or signed release form).
- Submission of article gives full rights to BJJ Report to modify (but will do our best to consider your point of view and not censor you)
- We accept zero liability for your submission and it is your responsibility to provide accurate data and factual information.
Thank you and we look forward to working with you...
BJJ Report Team