Great results for GB South Jacksonville

GB South Jax kids excelled

GB South Jax kids excelled

GMA member school Gracie Barra South Jacksonville dominated the recent Jax BJJ Open by taking 2nd in the team standings.

Teams came from all over the Southeast to participate. The GB kids finished with 14 wins and only 2 defeats!

They displayed great discipline while other teams were running all over the mat.

The GBSJAX students stayed focused and led their own warmups to prepare for the competition. The adults followed through in the points by securing the 2nd place team trophy.

Also in May Prof. Roberto Cuarteros student and pro fighter Maurice “The Beast” Salmon set a record in Florida with an 8 second knock out of his opponent

in the Art of Fighting 15.

To cap off a great month Master Carlos Gracie Jr, Marcio Feitosa, and Flavio Almeida visited GBSAJX to train and share their knowledge. Master Carlos was full

of wisdom and displayed great techniques for a packed house.

For more info, go to

The post Great results for GB South Jacksonville first appeared on Graciemag.
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