Gordon Ryan Declared Unable to Compete In Kasai Pro 4 By NYSAC

Gordon Ryan will be unable to compete in tonight’s scheduled superfight against Matheus Diniz, the fighter announced on his Facebook page. Ryan was denied clearance to fight due to a lack of up-to-date bloodwork which is required by the New York State Athletic Commission.

NYSAC, one of the strictest regional governing sports bodies, requires that all combat athletes be tested for bloodborn illnesses including HIV and Hepatitis A, B, and C before competing. While Ryan does not currently have an active infection, the fighter was born with Hep C. He was treated and declared clear of infection at age 12. However, this previous infection means standard diagnostic testing is insufficient for proving a fighter is not at risk for transmitting the disease. In such cases individuals who have previously been exposed to a virus need to provide additional viral load bloodwork verifying they have 0 active cells and are unable to transmit the infection. Ryan, a late addition to the card, could not get a lab to process his blood sample in time for his match tonight.

Here’s “The King” in his own words:

“The problem we are having with the NYSAC is that they needed to do the test for the viral load since obviously the antibody test would come back positive. Being as there were only 2 days to get the results it simply not enough time. They had to send my blood to another lab to count the viral load and the results wont be in until next week. So let me make this clear. I was born with hepatitis C. I was treated when I was 12 and I was cleared every single year after. The NYSAC needs a test from less than 2 weeks ago which I do not have. Just so there are no misconceptions… I DO NOT HAVE HEPATITIS C. I know my viral load is undetectable but I cant prove that to the NYSAC without the test and the results wont be in until next week. I’m very sorry to everyone who was looking forward to watching me compete. All the ones who purchased flograppling and bought tickets just to see me. Hopefully next time we will have more notice to get all the blood work sorted out before hand and I can give you all the show you’re looking for. I’ll see you all tonight and sorry again guys theres nothing we could do. Matheus even agreed to have the match but the athletic commission wouldn’t allow it.”

Serious sad trombone sounds.

The post Gordon Ryan Declared Unable to Compete In Kasai Pro 4 By NYSAC appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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