Gordon Ryan Claims He Would Beat Tyson Fury: “Kicks & Takedowns Would Make It Easy”

Gordon Ryan , often referred to as the greatest no-gi BJJ athlete of all time, recently weighed in on a hypothetical bout against Tyson Fury – the highly esteemed heavyweight boxing champion. He revealed his thoughts through a social media poll, igniting widespread speculation… About whether or not he’d be able to beat Fury in a fight. Here is what he had to say: I would definitely beat up Tyson in a fight. The addition of kicks and obviously takedowns would make it easy haha. But that title [baddest man on the planet] belongs to Jon Jones at the moment. Hard to argue he’s not the baddest. Ryan’s story goes, in a way, hand-in-hand with what Rickson Gracie had to say about beating up Mike Tyson back in the day. In a past interview, Gracie disclosed a fascinating hypothetical matchup that piqued his interest. Surprisingly, his desired opponent was not from the MMA world but rather legendary New York boxer Mike Tyson. And, well, the legendary Gracie confidently asserted that Tyson would not last “more than 5 minutes” against him. You can watch the interview on the video below. What are your thoughts on it? Would Rickson and Ryan be able to beat Tyson and Fury, respectively? The post Gordon Ryan Claims He Would Beat Tyson Fury: “Kicks & Takedowns Would Make It Easy” appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe .
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