Good news for females who want a ticket to the 2014 Abu Dhabi WPJJC


The females wait for their matches at the 2013 Abu Dhabi WPJJC. Photo: Erin Herle

The trials for the Abu Dhabi World Pro Jiu-Jitsu Championship are among us. The first to announce their official dates are the new Los Angeles trial on September 22 and the annual New York trial on October 20 this year.

As with every year, new changes have evolved the tournament along with the opportunities for those hoping to participate. For the women, the purple belts have been separated from the brown and black belts. Not only do they have their own division, there are two open weight divisions, below and above 140 pounds. If you place in any of the five weight divisions, you’re eligible to compete in the appropriate open weight division and earn a travel package.

Also improved is the now brown and black belt combined division. They no longer must compete with the purple belts and there are five chances to gain a travel package by just winning a weight category with no open weight division necessary.

The blue/white belt division also has two open weight categories so combined, there are nine travel packages available for the females, a huge improvement since the previous year.

It is also important to note that for the male divisions, the brown belts have officially separated from the black belts giving two opportunities in the light and heavy open weight divisions to earn a travel package. The previous year had the brown and black belts combined in the trials but at the main event, the brown belts had their own categories.

To sign up for the Abu Dhabi World Pro Jiu-Jitsu Championship trials in Los Angeles and New York, visit

The post Good news for females who want a ticket to the 2014 Abu Dhabi WPJJC first appeared on Graciemag.
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