Former Boxer Passes By A Jiu-Jitsu Gym And Insists Jiu-Jitsu Won’t Work On Him

A Random self-proclaimed boxer walked into the Justin Lough Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym insisting that jiu-jitsu wouldn’t work on him. Justin Lough the head instructor put the boxer against blue belt Joshua Smith and gave him his first BJJ lesson.

A man and his friend walked in to my academy tonight trying to burn some time. They were both boxers and didn’t think they would need Jiu-Jitsu. I told them if they would like they could fight with one of my students. At this point one of the men declined however, the 2nd insisted on seeing what Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is all about. I put him against one of my blue belt competitors. Here is what happened.

Man challenges BJJ Blue Belt.

A man and his friend walked in to my academy tonight trying to burn some time. They were both boxers and didn't think they would need Jiu-Jitsu. I told them if they would like they could fight with one of my students. At this point one of the men declined however, the 2nd insisted on seeing what Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is all about. I put him against one of my blue belt competitors. Here is what happened.

Posted by Justin Lough Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on Thursday, September 3, 2015

The post Former Boxer Passes By A Jiu-Jitsu Gym And Insists Jiu-Jitsu Won’t Work On Him appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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