Dana White Says Khabib “Is Gonna Get Suspended,” Will Not Lose Title After UFC 229 Brawl

UFC 229 was one of the most hyped-up UFC events of all time, and as far as the entertainment factor goes, it certainly lived up to it. However, Khabib Nurmagomedov’s submission win over Conor McGregor was overshadowed by his now-infamous climb out of the cage to start a fight with Dillon Danis, which ignited a multiple-person brawl between Nurmagomedov and McGregor’s teams.

The incident has drawn comparisons to McGregor’s assault on a bus, which injured multiple people and led to his arrest. However, while McGregor was only suspended from fighting in New York, Nurmagomedov’s punishment may look a bit different from his opponent’s.

In an interview with TMZ, Dana White said that Nurmagomedov is likely looking at a suspension of at least a few months, but he won’t be forced to give up the title he retained after his victory over McGregor. White also said that the Nevada Athletic Commission is currently holding on to Nurmagomedov’s $2 million purse, but that he believes a fine of $250,000 would be fair given the circumstances.

Check out the full conversation below:

The post Dana White Says Khabib “Is Gonna Get Suspended,” Will Not Lose Title After UFC 229 Brawl appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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