Crispim comments on fight that didn’t happen

Crispim in a pic with GSP.

Our GMA and black belt Alexander Crispim was supposed to have his title fight last Saturday, and the third opponent they had scheduled for him chose not to fight. Below is what Crispim posted on his website.

“As many of you know, my first two opponents were both injured prior to my last Saturday fight and had to pull out of the fight due to their injuries. I was given a third opponent two days prior to the fight and unfortunately, he too was unable to fight.  This is one of those examples in life where no matter how much preparation is in place for things to work well, things beyond our control can occur.

“I was there ready and willing to fight and very disappointed for myself, my family and everyone who came out to support me that I did not have the opportunity to fight.  Cage Combat, in my opinion, did everything within their powers to minimize this type of thing from happening, but unfortunately, fighters/people make choices that can hurt and affect other people.

“Cage Combat did make me the interim featherweight champion, but I will not feel like the champion until I actually have my day in the cage to prove my abilities and show that I deserve that title.  So… I will continue training, teaching and working hard so that when I am called to defend the title, I will be ready and will fight hard to represent all of you who have so faithfully represented our team.

“Thank you again to everyone and together… we will be ready for the next battle. Train hard and have fun!”

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