Countdown to the 2016 Worlds: the thrills, the drama and the most amazing pictures of last year’s edition
With the 2016 World Jiu-Jitsu championship rapidly approaching we still have time to look back into last year’s edition.
As always, there were all kinds of thrills and drama and we have the images to prove it.
Here are 50 pictures covering the camps before the action all the way to the celebration after all champions were crowned.
Just roll the page down and relive what happens when the best Jiu-Jitsu competitors in the world gather in the same room.
Don’t forget to register for the 2016 World Jiu-Jitsu championship.
The deadline is May 24.
Click here to sign up now.

1. Before all the action, Rafael Mendes (right) gave all he got at the Atos JJ camp against Ed Ramos (left).

2. Friends Marcus Buchecha and Lucas Leite rolled with joy at the Checkmat camp

3. Alliance leaders, Gurgel, Gigi and Jacaré joined forces to build a strong team at the 2015 Worlds.

4. Once the action was underway, the pressure on the referees was non-stop for the four days of the Worlds.

5. Example of overcoming life’s hurdles, blue belt Kyle Maynard signed autographs after his match.

6. Jonnathas Gracie da Silva got his middle name in honor of the family and proved he’s worthy of it at the blue belt open class.

7. Nicholas Meregalli could not believe what he had done after the double gold campaign at the purple belt division

8. Sometimes the hug of the idol after a big win is better than the medal itself, as it was the case of blue belt Gustavo Batista.

9. After so much hard work, celebrating is a right every competitor has and Jackson Rubens fulfilled his to the maximum.

10. You can resist an attack to your foot, arm or knee, but you simply can’t resist a choke. Either you tap or you go to sleep.

11. After winning, say thanks to whom you think helped you achieve your goal.

12. After three years of pure joy and triumph, Marcus Buchecha experienced drama and pain at the 2015 Worlds when a twisted knee caused a ligament injury.

13. There’s a common face expression Jiu-Jitsu fighters show when the choke is in place, as you can see here.

14. Jackson Sousa goes for a takedown at the black belt open class.

15. Leo Nogueira also had a 2015 Worlds he’d want to forget after getting hurt in the early stages of the black belt open class.

16. Keenan Cornelius did what he had to do to keep the match against Tim Spriggs inbound at the black belt open class.

17. You can actually see on Lo’s face all the effort it took to escape Keenan Cornelius’ triangle and armlock at the black belt open class.

18. Luiza Monteiro and the “I’m ok” face during the match against Mackenzie Dern at the black belt open class.

19. No free hands? No problem. Dominyka Obelenyte shows how to use her teeth to get the lapel where she wants it to go.

21. Kisses all around from Monique Elias after she secured her spot at the oepn class final.

22. Bernardo Faria screams that Lo’s arm is about to break at the open class semifinal.

23. Luiza Monteiro at the exact moment she realized the refs pointed her as the winner of the match against Monique Elias.

24. Wellington Megaton, 20 World championships as a black belt.

25. Xande Ribeiro, seven world championship titles in 11 years.

26. Tim Spriggs properly celebrates his win over Keenan Cornelius at the heavyweight division.

27. Michael Langhi celebrates on the hollow ground of the Worlds.

28. After a knee surgery, Tarsis Humphreys came back big time to finish second at the medium-heavy division.

29. Alliance never had a performance as team that came close to the one it had at the 2015 Worlds.

30. Mackenzie Dern celebrates her first gold medal as a black belt and her father Megaton joins the moment in the back.

31. Luiza Monteiro covers her face with joy after winning her first gold medal as a black belt.

32. Dominyka performance at the 2015 Worlds was really above ground level.

33. João Miyao’s expression while looking at the referee was a prediction that something bad was about to happen after the roosterweight final.

34. Bad for João, great for Bruno Malfacine, who went on to celebrate his 7th world title as a black belt.

35. Paulo Miyao focused on achieving his goal of becoming a black belt world champion.

36. Rafael Mendes vs. Rubens Cobrinha is always a treat for the crowd.

37. Clinched teeth and a fierce battle for the lapel.

38. Cobrinha defended his neck in a superb way and then talked about it with Rafael mid-action.

38. In the end, another page of the history book of the Worlds was written with Rafael and his fifth title in the featherweight division.

39. Claudio Calasans Jr. used the judo learned from his father to win his first title at the Worlds.

40. Lo caught mid-sweep during the victorious campaign at the medium-heavy division, his fourth title in three weight classes.

41. It comes a moment when all defense attempts cease and the tap is the only way out.

42. Xande vs. Lucas Leite was one of those matches where no one really lost, despite one of then coming out as the winner.

43. “Thank you, Lord,” Daniel.

44. I won, dammit!

45. Technique and strength!

46. Time for some advice.

47. Mario Reis resisted the wrist lock until right about that moment.

48. And she’s only 19!

49. João beat cancer and is right back where he belongs!

50. Victory tastes even better when you can share it with those you care about!
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Countdown to the 2016 Worlds: the thrills, the drama and the most amazing pictures of last year’s edition first appeared on