Lagarto tries sinking a triangle on Marcus Bochecha at the 2011 World Pro. Publicity photo.
The final berth in the January 13 Heavyweight Grand Prix was officially announced by the Copa Pódio organizing committee today.
Clues as to the name of the final big-bodied mat wizard began circulating yesterday on social networking sites, thanks to the image of a Komodo dragon, a giant lizard that inhabits the Indonesian island of Komodo, posted by Copa Pódio’s promoters.
Today, they put an end to the mystery, announcing Lucio “Lagarto” (“lagarto” is Portuguese for “lizard”) as the final heavyweight on the roster.
“Lagarto is the giant we were missing on the card,” explains Copa Pódio executive Copa Pódio. “He’s a really tough athlete who carries a lot of appeal with fans in Europe, where he has won numerous titles since moving to England. The Heavyweight GP will be a great opportunity to see him in action against the other greats, seeing as he had visa troubles that kept him from traveling to California to compete at the Worlds.”
The good news is that Lagarto’s visa is about to come through, and the chances of him competing at upcoming World Championships are great.
Check out the card for the Heavyweight GP:
Alexandre de Souza (Gracie Floripa)
Alexandro Ceconi (Ceconi Team – Criciúma)
Antonio Braga Neto (Gordo JJ – Porto Velho)
Bruno Bastos (Nova União – USA)
Caio Monstro (Nova União – Fortaleza)
João Gabriel (Soul Fighters – Rio de Janeiro)
Léo Nogueira (Alliance – São Paulo)
Lúcio Lagarto (Gracie Barra – Londres)
Rodolfo Vieira (GFTeam – Rio de Janeiro)
Xande Ribeiro (Ribeiro JJ – USA)
Tickets for the January GP are available at www.copapodio.com or at the following retail outlets:
Academia Rio Sport Center
Rodovia BR 356 – Loja 224
Agendar com Felipe: (31) 91194596
Gracie Barra – Av. das Américas – Clube da Aeronáutica
Rua Rachel de Queiroz, s/nº – Ao lado do Bosque da Barra
(21) 32267272
Escultura de Areia (Rodolfo Vieira)
Praia de Copacabana – Posto 5 (altura da Rua Miguel Lemos)
Contato: Rogean ou Lúcia – (21) 85095257
Academia Marques Gym:
Rua Aldo Bergamini, 324 – (21)32746794 – davidjjmendes@hotmail.com
Academia Alliance
Rua Humberto de Campos, 774 (21)25111995
Soul Fighters Evidence
Rua Conde do Bonfim, 685 (Sobreloja) – tanquejj@gmail.com
Academia Delfim
Rua Pereira Siqueira, 45 – (21)25657403 – compras@delfimboxe.com.bR
Tijuca Tênis Clube – CAIA (Centro de Atendimento):
Rua Conde do Bonfim, 451
(21) 32949300 – Ramais: 9493 – 9494 – 9495
Nova União Vila Valqueire (Academia Lopes)
Rua das Margaridas, 32 – (21)32692249 – decobastos@yahoo.com.br