Check out the highlights from Washington Combat

Pedro Rizzo in a classic pose from his days in the UFC, in a photo by Susumo Nagao

With backing from such major sponsors like Hyundai, Toyota, Dollamur/Swain and District Lounge, Washington Combat, an MMA event promoted by the Yamasaki brothers, pleased the crowd in the capital of the USA.

Check out the highlights from the event on the Washington Post website here.

Check out the complete results:

Washington Combat 1
DC Armory, Washington DC, EUAUSA
May 15, 2010

Peter Simone defeated Francisco Salguero by judges’ decision

Chris Buckner defeated Jahmal McNellan by technical knockout at 2:02 min of R3

Matt Van Buren defeated Manny Okorie by judges’ decision

Ovince Sain Preux defeated Claudio Godoy by doctor’s intervention after R1 (Godoy fractured his forearm and was unable to return for R2)

Marco “Loro” Galvão defeated David Derby via technical knockout at 1:37 min of R1

Jordan Smith defeated Gustavo “Ximu” Machado by judges’ decision

Pedro Rizzo defeated Gary Goodridge by desistance after R1

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