Chael Sonnen ‘would like to slap the divots right off LeBron’s face’

Miami Heat forward LeBron James is Chael Sonnen’s new target. Photo: Keith Alison

Yes, we know 90 percent of 36-year-old Chael Sonnen’s statements are made to get him some publicity.

But we admit we got reeled in by him again. After all, this time he’s shooting at someone totally unexpected. Not an MMA athlete at all, but instead the current king of basketball.

Sonnen, who has a fight vs. Mauricio Shogun scheduled for August 17, now lashes out at LeBron James, the Miami Heat star and MVP of the finals.

The American wrestler told Bleacher Report where the grudge comes from, calling James a dork. “Let me tell you a story about LeBron. He asked the UFC for tickets for my fight against Anderson Silva. We sit the guy front-row, and all through the night he snubs our fans. He’s a guest in our house and he refuses to sign any autographs or take any pictures unless your cup size was later in the alphabet than he was able to learn,” said Sonnen, who even accuses James of coming on to his wife. “I had a UFC employee tell me he saw a mother wheel her handicapped child up to him to get a picture. LeBron was walking towards them. When he
reached the kid, the mother stopped the wheelchair. LeBron took the wheelchair, wheeled it out of the way and kept walking.”

“I’d like to slap the divots right off his face,” he provoked.

What do you think, reader? Is Sonnen a raving lunatic, or does he have a case here in calling out LeBron?

UFC on Fox Sports 1
TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
August 17, 2013

Mauricio Rua vs.Chael Sonnen
Alistair Overeem vs. Travis Browne
Urijah Faber vs. Yuri Alcantara
Matt Brown vs. Thiago Alves
Uriah Hall vs. Nick Ring
Joe Lauzon vs. Michael Johnson


Brad Pickett vs. Michael McDonald
Andy Ogle vs. Conor McGregor
Mike Brown vs. Akira Corassani
Diego Brandão vs. Daniel Pineda

Undercard (Facebook)

Manvel Gamburyan vs. Cole Miller
Cody Donovan vs. Ovince St. Preux
Ramsey Nijem vs. James Vick

The post Chael Sonnen ‘would like to slap the divots right off LeBron’s face’ first appeared on Graciemag.
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