Chael Sonnen: Georges St-Pierre Vacating The Title Was A ‘Super Cool Move’

Recently, Georges St-Pierre vacated his UFC Middleweight title due to health issues. Many fans were naturally disappointed that they wouldn’t get to see the legendary GSP rule over the middleweight division in the same way he ruled over its welterweight counterpoint.

But one man who considered it a “super cool” move was former UFC Middleweight and Light Heavyweight title contender Chael P. Sonnen, who currently fights in Bellator.

Chael argued that there are only two options for people in St-Pierre’s position.

Hold the belt for a year then vacate it. 

According to Chael, this what most of the “dirtbags” in MMA do. Because fighters have 12 months to hold onto a title before it’s stripped, they have an entire year to bask in the glory of being a champion in the biggest MMA promotion in the world before they actually have to defend the belt. During this time they can enjoy photo ops and rack up sponsorship dollars, all while stopping an entire division in its tracks before “anyone says anything.”

Vacate right away.

This is the better option according to Chael. Instead of basking in the glory of their championship, collecting sponsorship dollars, and stopping a division, fighters  turn your belt over and let the other hungry fighters in your division fight for the belt.

St-Pierre took the latter option.

You can check out Chael’s video below:

GSP did the right thing when he vacated his belt.

GSP did the right thing when he vacated his belt. #BeyondtheFight

Posted by Chael Sonnen on Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The post Chael Sonnen: Georges St-Pierre Vacating The Title Was A ‘Super Cool Move’ appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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