Brazilian Teams Nationals: GFTeam and Soul Fighters shine at adult and masters

Leandro “Tatu” (center) with the Soul Fighters group that won the lightweight division.

It was a true day of celebration at Tijuca Tennis Club last Saturday. Teams were shouting and coming together to push their athletes toward victory at the 2018 Brazilian National Teams Championship.

Featuring contests from the purple to the black belt across the adults’ and masters’ age groups, the event was led by two teams. In the adults’ brown/black belt lightweight division, Soul Fighters leader Leandro “Tatu” Escobar fought and guided his squad to the title, besting Almeida Jiu-Jitsu in the final. Tatu’s team was made up of Daniel Junior, Eduardo Carvalho and Rodrigo Martins, as well as BTT’s Alexandre Vieira, and Márcio Rodrigues’s Yago and Ygor Rodrigues.

In the adults’ heavyweight division, GFTeam bagged the gold, extending its winning streak. In the final, they were faced with the favorites, the Rodrigo Cavaca-led Zenith JJ squad with the reinforcements of Fellipe Andrew and Diego Borges. To secure the gold, the group made up of Guilherme Cordiviola, Marcos Junior, Antonio Assef, Andre Luis Santos, André Daniel Santos, Pedro Pimenta and Wilson Sousa brought the score to 3 wins to nil — an insurmountable advantage.

In the master 1 age group, GFTeam again took the top spot. Arthur Gogó (GFTeam Cascadura), Alberto Ramos (GFTeam Cachambi), Victor Bomfim, Marcus “Morcego” Santos, Nilton Junior and Thiago da Silva joined forces to defeat the Gracie Barra team in the final.

Alberto Ramos and Arthur Gogó (center) with the rest of the GFTeam squad.

Click here to get the complete results.

The post Brazilian Teams Nationals: GFTeam and Soul Fighters shine at adult and masters first appeared on Graciemag.
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