Sérgio Mallandro on the beach during filming of reality show / Photo: Photo Rio News/Publicity
A Carlson Gracie student, Sérgio Neiva Cavalcanti, better known as “Sérgio Mallandro”, would be a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner like any other, had his professional duties not kept him from the academy for a spell, had he not become one of Brazil’s most beloved comedians.
At 56 years of age, Sérgio Mallandro still cherishes the lessons he learnt in Jiu-Jitsu, and he shows it on a reality show broadcast on Multishow cable channel in the South American nation.
Between philosophical musings and random gibberish, Mallandro revealed some of his style on the mat, and didn’t limit himself to being silly. “I have my life philosophy,” he says on the show. “For example, never spit on someone when you’re above them. After all, the ground you step on is the same one that holds you up.”
The show proves that the understudy of media mogul Silvio Santos hasn’t forgotten his days competing in Jiu-Jitsu. “Carlson would make us go two months without having sex in the lead-up to a tournament, and our girlfriends would get up in arms. I had a girlfriend who hated Carlson and Jiu-Jitsu, even stormed into the academy one day to voice her complaints,” the comedian recalled.
Watch Mallandro training at the academy now overseen by Marcelo Saporito in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. The scenes start just before the 17-minutes mark, in case you’re pressed for time.
The post Brazilian comedian shows he knows his Jiu-Jitsu first appeared on Graciemag.