Formiga wins the open weight. Photo: Erin Herle
At the 2014 Boston Summer Open, a majority of the black belts met in the absolute. Since some of the divisions did not have opponents, most of the lone athletes entered the open weight no matter the pounds they weighed on the scale.
For the males, the winner was Rafael Formiga Barbosa of Soul Fighters who swept and submitted his way to the gold. For the ladies, the crowd was offered a chance to watch black belt females where new black belt Nathalia Amaral of BTT Boston won the gold.
Here is how each division unfolded:
Light-feather: Daniel Beleza had no one else in his division and took the gold.
Feather: Gianni Grippo defeated Edson Oliveira by 8-6 points for the gold.
Light: Renan Borges had no one else in his division and took the gold.
Middle: Rafael Formiga Barbosa defeated Vinicius Silva by a quick straight armbar for the gold.
Medium-Heavy: Daniel Simmler defeated Raphael Fischetti by DQ.
Simmler then defeated John Diggins by foot lock.
Heavy: Carlos Robson Gracie had no one else in his division and took the gold.
Ultra-heavy: James Puopolo defeated Paulo Martins by kneebar for the gold.
Light-feather: Marcelo Lawton, who placed second place at the 2014 World Championship had no one else in her division and took the gold.
Medium-heavy: Nathalia Amaral, who was recently awarded her black belt, had no one else in her division and took the gold.
The matches for the male open weight were as follows:
John Diggins defeated Vinicius Silva by 4-0 points.
Renan Borges defeated Robson Gracie by 14-2 points.
Rafael Formiga defeated Dan Simmler by clock choke.
James Puopolo defeated Paulo Martins by choke from the back.
Gianni Grippo defeated John Diggins by 6-0 points.
Rafael Formiga defeated James Puopolo by 6-4 points.
Renan Borges defeated Gianni Grippo by referee decision.
Rafael Formiga defeated Renan Borges by armbar for the gold.
The female match was between Nathalia Amaral and Marcela Lawton. The final score was 19-0 and this was Nathalia’s first black belt match.

Nathalia Amaral wins the open weight. Photo: Erin Herle
For full results please go here: http://static.ibjjfdb.com/Campeonato/000295/en-US/Results.pdf
Check out photos here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152730791169260.1073741883.142782289259
The post Boston Summer Open: Formiga & Nathalia win absolute and other black belt results first appeared on Graciemag.