Boston Spring Open: Miyao, Grippo, Kayron, Khera, Diniz and others; see brackets and schedule


The 2015 Boston Spring Open takes place this Saturday at the UMASS gym.

The IBJJF has already released the schedule and the brackets for the event.

The black belt division should have some interesting battles for the crowd.

In the featherweight division, Brian Machecha, Gianni Grippo and Paulo Miyao will clash for gold in a tough round robin bracket.

In the lightweight division, Mansher Khera will debut in the black belt going after the points he needs to be in the 2015 Worlds.

In the middleweight division, Pan champion and Worlds silver medalist Kayron Gracie is back at it after his return from a 2-year hiatus last weekend in New York.

In the same division, another Marcelo Garcia black belt, Joanthan Satava is after the gold medal too.

In the medium-heavy division, Matheus Diniz is another newly promoted black belt starting his journey in the highest level of competition.

Click here for the brackets and schedule.

The post Boston Spring Open: Miyao, Grippo, Kayron, Khera, Diniz and others; see brackets and schedule first appeared on Graciemag.
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