BJJ: Watch Gabriel “Napão” Gonzaga use a lapel choke at the Boston Open

Still under contract with the UFC, though with no set date to step in the cage, Gabriel “Napão” Gonzaga doesn’t want to be idle. So the ultra-heavyweight signed up for the Boston Summer Open and bagged the gold.

At 37, Gonzaga eschewed the masters’ and opted for the adults’ section. In the final, the world champion faced Shaun Durfee and, with a choke using the lapel starting from side control, he spun to try and squeeze.

With a well-positioned foe moving along with the spin, Gonzaga passed the arm and put pressure on the lapel from the front, like a pair of pliers. There was nothing left for Durfee but surrendering. Check out in the video the position that gave Gonzaga the win.

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