BJ to rematch Edgar

BJ versus Edgar. Photo: Josh Hedges

Lyoto Machida defeated Maurício Shogun at UFC 104. The outcome brought about a lot of discussion, and all that was left for the UFC to do was set up another light heavyweight-title showdown, which will take place May 2.

A similar story plays out between BJ Penn and Frankie Edgar. The only difference is that, in this case, the lightweight belt did in fact change hands.

In a very evenly-matched fight, Edgar overcame Penn by unanimous decision at UFC 112. The result of the fight, as with the Lyoto vs Shogun matchup, stirred up some questions. There are those who feel Frankie deserved it, and those who feel Penn should have kept the title.

That being the case, the UFC had no choice but to pit the two against each other yet again. At least that is what Fighters Only Magazine is saying. The rematch will be at UFC 118, on August 28 in Boston.

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