Barnett vs Mondragon in Australia

Barnett in action in Japan. Photo: Susumo Nagao

After UFC’s successful incursion into Australia, MMA is picking up pace in the Land Down Under. The Impact Fighting Championship promotion will hold an event on July 10 and a consecrated heavyweight will face one with a promising future.

The star of the show is Josh Barnett, who has been through the world’s greatest fighting organizations like Pride FC and the UFC. His opponent will be Brazil’s Gerônimo Mondragon.

On a five-fight win streak, Barnett has not lost since 2006, when he fell to Rodrigo Minotauro. Mondragon had been tipped to fight in the UFC, but an unexpected loss to Edson Conterrâneo at Jungle Fight 17 nixed those plans. Nevertheless, he’s a dangerous fighter. Of the 17 wins on his record, he managed 10 knockouts and six submissions. He lost on eight occasions.

This will be Mondragon’s big chance to raise his stock. That’s why he should take a good look at this Josh Barnett highlight video below:

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