Matthew Todd (Gracie Fighter), absolute brown belt winner at American Cup 2012, this Saturday / Photo by John Cooper/GRACIEMAG.com
Just a bit south of the hussle and bustle of San Francisco lies the lesser known city of San Jose. However, on the weekend of April 28, 2012 this “lesser” known city is a bastion of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, with fighters from all over the world converging there. Our man John Cooper was there and tells us how the American Cup has been going so far.
Independence High School in San Jose, California, and Professor Claudio Franca play host to the 5th American Cup of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. The event boasted around 1000 competitors from all parts of the globe and of all ages and sizes.
The tournament began on Saturday the 28th. The future champions of the sport took center-stage and did not disappoint. Both boys and girls went head to head in a battle of skill and wills and showed technique well beyond their years.
Next up were the blue belts. These crafty competitors took on one another in what turned out to be some of the best matches of the day. Ahmad White closed out the open class in a hard fought match against Ryan Walsh from Coalition 95.
Last up were the brown belts – and they showed why they are some of the best athletes in the game. The day came to a close as Matthew Todd from Gracie Fighter defeated Daniel Pollaccia from Ralph Gracie in the brown belt adult open class final.
But don’t fret, the tournament is not over. Next up, this Sunday, are the white, purple and black belts taking to the mats in what is most certainly going to blow the roof of the gymnasium. Stay tuned.
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