A New Organization Jiu-Jitsu World League To Professionalize The Sport

JJWL Created by 1 and Mathew Tinley are aiming to Professionalize The Jiu-Jitsu Sport

There are many exciting developments and changes happening in the world of Brazilian jiu jitsu. To begin, the sport’s popularity is rapidly growing, and there have never been so many competitors in so many diverse age ranges and geographical locations. With how widespread the internet has become people from all over the world are connecting through this sport, and there are numerous marketing opportunities presenting themselves, to the point where so many people are just excited to be a part of the growing phenomenon. It is because of so many widespread changes occurring on such a large level that the Jiu-Jitsu World League aims to professionalize the sport.

There is more competition than ever, and with so many people coming together to share their passion for the martial art, it is only natural that larger organizations consider making the sport more well known. Professionalizing it will add even more diversity and bring more attention to the sport itself. It will take what is underground and bring it to the above ground, capturing the attention of even more potential practitioners and fans. This is an exciting development in the sport’s history, one that both fans and competitors alike eagerly await to see what it could do for the sport’s future.


Rigan Machado told

“I want this sport to be bigger, like any other sport.”
That process begins on January 15 when the JJWL holds their first event in Irvine, California. The tournament, which will be exclusively in the gi (although some events will be both gi and no gi), will accomplish a number of tasks. For starters, there are two open divisions – one for lighter, the other for heavier competitors – where the winner in each will claim $5,000 dollars in a winner-take-all format.
In addition, competitors at all levels will accrue points at JJWL events for their achievements, which will enable them to either go ‘professional’ after rankings are established or earn prize money once the first calendar year of events is complete.
“We introduced money,” notes Tinley. “These guys at the top, they are professionals. They’re putting their whole lives into this. They really are top athletes. There’s money in this sport and it’s not being distributed to the athletes fairly.
“Even the white belts will walk away with a significant amount of money.”
Tinley says the twelve tournaments will all be in the United States and in all corners of the country. “We’re going to go to every region in America. Most people are within three or four hour drive of at least one tournament, probably several tournaments.”
“We want to keep the athletes in the sport. We’re losing the top guys in jiu-jitsu to mixed martial arts,” Rigan argues. “A lot of guys are going to the UFC because there’s no money.”


The post A New Organization Jiu-Jitsu World League To Professionalize The Sport appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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