Paulo Miyao after winning the brown belt open weight division at the 2013 World Championship. Photo: Erin Herle
The 2013 World Championship final of the brown belt open weight division brought the crowd to its feet in the Long Beach Walter Pyramid the evening of Saturday, June 1.
Brown belt light-featherweight and sometimes featherweight Paulo Miyao has had six matches with middle-heavyweight Keenan Cornelius, four of which he was defeated, one draw where where they were both disqualified and then today, the match he finally won.
Both Miyao twin brothers have met Keenan in the open weight divisions since purple belts. From Pan Ams, to Europeans, to Worlds, to Brazilian Nationals to Abu Dhabi World Pro they have conquered all the athletes in their way only to meet in the finals.
At the 2012 World Championship it was the final of the purple belt open weight division where Keenan Cornelius was the one down on his knees crying after accomplishing his goal of double grand slam winning his weight and open weight at Europeans, Pan Ams, Brazilian Nationals and Worlds. Today, it was Paulo’s turn.
The match was much different from the one they had in Abu Dhabi this past April. The two stayed in the double guard pull during their six minute match and the referee decided that not enough action was taking place. Despite warnings and penalties, they remained both seated and both unwillingly to come up and pass the other’s guard and so the first double DQ in a final was made that day.
Today the brown belts were warned early on for pulling double guard but after gaining one penalty each and then Keenan earning even one more penalty, the lanky American stood up to pass. It wasn’t long before Paulo was attacking the feet earning an advantage and then coming up for his two points as a sweep. Keenan swept back but was behind in advantages. Two more sweeps would take place for both but the advantages from Paulo’s foot attacks gave him the win after the eight minute time limit winded down. Keenan’s only option was to pass and Paulo made sure to avoid letting that happen. Paulo won by two advantages.
The end score was:
Keenan: 4 points, 2 penalties, 1 advantage
Paulo: 4 points, 1 penalty, 3 advantages
See the match in photos below:
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