2013 Jiu-Jitsu Resolutions: Who is aiming for what? gathered some New Year’s resolutions from some of the most inspiring people in the art of Jiu-Jitsu.

A new year is not the only time to make changes or set goals for yourself, but it helps when many people are focused on their destinations in life at the same time. You should always be working towards bettering yourself, bettering your Jiu-Jitsu and bettering your life but a fresh start helps to build the momentum.

Hopefully the high goals from esteemed athletes such as these will help put into perspective that everyone has New Year’s resolutions, big and small, but only the most driven will accomplish them.

Andre Galvao: “I want to get my team stronger and I would like to win my ADCC superfight.”

Robert Drysdale: “I plan on keep fighting, growing the gym’s membership, training my students to even better results and bettering our affiliate program!”

Mendes Brothers: “Our goal for 2013 is the same of every year: ‘Do our best to be the best’ and we are ready to put in a lot of work and have great results. This past year was an amazing year for us, we achieved our third world title in the black belt division and we opened the academy of our dreams in California. It’s time to keep up this hard work and chase more.”

Felipe Pena: “My goal for 2013 I think is pretty much the same of all the competitors. I will go 100% for the biggest tournaments starting with Copa Podio and after that I will compete at Pan ams, Brazilian Nationals and the World Championship!”

Bruno Bastos: “As a fighter: Win IBJJF Mundials and ADCC Worlds. As a coach: Help nova Uniao to be on the podium at IBJJF Mundials again.”

Fernando Terere: “My resolution for 2013 is to train a lot for the competitions and focus on doing camps and seminar workshops in Europe.”

Rubens “Cobrinha” Charles: “My New Year’s resolution is to make my students champions not just inside the mat, but also in life. That is my main goal for next year.”

DJ Jackson: “My New Year’s resolution is to Grand Slam at black belt.”

Samuel Braga: “My personal goals are to improve my life by being more disciplined and focused on my goals without distraction as well as to be more patient to achieve my goals. I want to compete as much as I can this year and grow my school.”

Luiza Monteiro: “What I want more than anything is to be a world champion with the gi. This year I want to focus on gi tournaments like Pan Ams, Brazilian Nationals, Abu Dhabi World Pro and gi World Championship, which are most important for me.”

Victor Estima: “My New Year’s resolution is to focus more on my competitions. Since my school is established, I will be spending more time with my teammates, which means I will be able to give 100%. I want to be as good as I can possibly be for Abu Dhabi World Pro, Worlds and ADCC.”

What are your goals and resolutions? Let us know in the comments below!

The post 2013 Jiu-Jitsu Resolutions: Who is aiming for what? first appeared on Graciemag.
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