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Podcast Episode 101 – Twitter Q&A

Loved doing this massive Q&A!  What I did was take the time to more fully answer questions that I had first addre...

Internet Creeper Asks UFC Flyweight Roxanne Modafferi For Nudes, Gets What He Asked For…Kind Of

BJJ brown belt and UFC Flyweight Roxanne Modafferi not only has a great taste in weigh-in costumes… …but a great sens...

Nate Diaz Demands People Ask ‘Nicely’ For Him To Return, Some People Give In

Word to the wise, people: don’t call out Nate Diaz. He doesn’t like it. “Ask nicely…” Diaz said on the OKWERDZ podcas...

Colby Covington On Kenny Florian: ‘When People Squinted It Looked Like Sean Sherk Was Fighting Ben Stiller’

Colby Covington certainly isn’t winning many friends in the combat sports world, and recently, another name was added...

Anderson Silva Issues Statement On Failed Drug Test: ‘I Will Not Give Up, Much Less Stop Doing What I Love…’

Anderson Silva‘s career has been going downhill since his he was dethroned as the UFC Middleweight Champion back in 2...

Fabricio Werdum Apologizes For Homophobic Slur

Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Fabricio Werdum apologized in a tweet for using a homophobic slur. During his clash w...

What Effect Has Social Media Had On Jiu-Jitsu’s Culture?

Chances are, if you’re reading this blog post you found it as a result of a social media post, either by the Jiu-Jits...

The Boxer Who “Shames” Her Family

At 20 years old, Ambreen Sadiq owns a business, has a documentary made on her, and is a former UK national boxing cha...

**** Star Christy Mack Post Photos of Injuries Allegedly Sustained from Ex-Boyfriend and MMA Fighter ‘War Machine’

WARNING: Graphic Images and story Jon Koppenhaver. AKA ‘War Machine’, was released by Bellator after this incident ca...

Já somos meio milhão de fãs de Jiu-Jitsu no Facebook, junte-se a nós!

Neste fim de semana, o portal GRACIEMAG atingiu a expressiva marca de 500 mil curtidas em nossa página no Facebook. O...

Conor McGregor made a list of reasons not to fight guys in the UFC

Well now, Conor McGregor. We like watching you fight. It’s true, you’ve knocked out a lot of guys and hit with the sa...

Vitor Belfort continua na mira de Gegard Mousasi no UFC

Sem descansar, Gegard Mousasi continua sua campanha para enfrentar Vitor Belfort no octagon mais famoso do mundo. O e...
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