armdrag RSS

Armdrag To Snapdown: Your New Favorite Takedown Technique

Short on takedown techniques, especially in no-gi? Well, that sucks… Would be great if you could do something about i...

This Weird Arm Trap Leads To Super Easy Backtakes

Believe it or not, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn’t that complicated at all. Sure, there’s like a million techniques out the...

Fine-Tune Your Armdrag With These Details by Pat Downey

Are you an Armdrag fan? Or are you someone who simply wants to learn how to do it and then Single or Double-Leg your ...

Andrew Wiltse Explains Armdrag Basics & Single Leg Setup

All takedowns are made equal… But some takedowns are more equal than others – especially if you have no wrestling bac...

A mágica de ir para as costas no Jiu-Jitsu, com Marcelo Garcia

  Você tem na academia aquele parceiro que é um verdadeiro carrasco, com quase 20 quilos a mais que você? Aí você ten...

Video: Jorge Britto teaches an armdrag from the closed guard

A teacher at Jiu Jitsu For Life Team in Toronto, Canada, today Jorge Britto brings you a lesson — taught in English —...

Fernando Tererê teaches an arm drag for taking the back

At a seminar held at Thiago Arimura’s Alliance Acqua, Fernando Tererê showed a transition from the open guard with an...

Start With A Standing Armdrag, End With A Rear Naked Choke: Here’s How

Practicing armdrags is crucial to improving your standing game, and if you can improve your transitions from armdrags...

3 attacks from the hook guard with Lídio Henrique

Lídio Henrique, a black-belt who runs the GFTeam branch in Rocha Miranda, Brazil, had no time for partying during the...

Jiu-Jitsu: 3 ataques da guarda de gancho com o professor Lídio Henrique

Nosso professor GMI na GFTeam Rocha Miranda, Lídio Henrique não quis saber de pausa na semana do Carnaval. De kimono,...

Toti Jordan teaches a triple attack from the half-guard

BJJ veteran Toti “Pitoco” Jordan, who teaches in Pembroke Pines, Florida, shows you three options for finishing from ...

Jiu-Jitsu: Toti Jordan ensina ataque triplo da meia-guarda na GMI Start BJJ Academy

Veterano da arte suave na Barra da Tijuca, hoje radicado nos EUA, Toti “Pitoco” Jordan, em união com os amigos de lon...
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