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Firas Zahabi Shares “Do’s & Don’ts” Of Being A Good Training Partner In BJJ

So you want to be a good training partner in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Perhaps the kind of a training partner that everyon...

What To Do About That BJJ Training Partner Who Just Holds A Position & Doesn’t Move?

You’ve probably ran into this person at one time or another during your BJJ journey. It’s the training partner who, a...

Why The Right Training Partners Are So Vital To Your Progression In BJJ

The BJJ students that seem to progress the fastest have good training partners to help them develop their skills. Yes...

Why You Should Be Grateful For The Hammer When You’re The Nail

Do you have a few guys at your BJJ academy that you secretly hope aren’t at class? I don’t mean “stinky gi guy” or “l...

Should You Give Unsolicited Advice to Your Training Partner?

We have all rolled with people who have more experience than us. They tap us out or dominate us with position, and th...
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