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Justin Ordinario Locks His Sights on Abu Dhabi World Pro

With Abu Dhabi coming in just a few short weeks and with every passing day that we get closer to watching these world...

Justin Ordinario Locks His Sights on Abu Dhabi World Pro

With Abu Dhabi coming in just a few short weeks and with every passing day that we get closer to watching these world...

Caio Nucci e a importância de estimular mente e corpo das crianças no Jiu-Jitsu

Como pensar, agir e divertir no Jiu-Jitsu? A ideia de todo professor é fazer as crianças amarem os treininhos de Ji...

F2W103; Big State, Biggest Party

Houston, TX – When you mention Houston Texas, you think of everything being big. Well, you can now chalk up Fight2Win...

Inaugural 3rd Coast Grappling Championship To Support The We Defy Foundation

Both the east and west coasts of the United States are powerful epicenters of the modern grappling world, but as a re...

Lucas Pinheiro’s choke at the Houston Open light feather final

At the latest edition of the IBJJF’s Houston Open, held last weekend in Texas, Lucas Pinheiro (AMBJJ) faced Washingto...

Jiu-Jitsu: Ajuste o estrangulamento na finalização de Lucas Pinheiro no Houston Open

Grande mestre Helio Gracie sabiamente dizia: “No pescoço não há valente.” Para mais uma vez provar tal teoria, o atle...

Video: Nathiely de Jesus’ sly foot lock at the Houston Open

PSLPB Cícero Costha’s Nathiely de Jesus, who has been having a prolific period as a competitor, won another couple of...

Vídeo: Nathiely de Jesus e sua sorrateira chave de pé no Houston Open de Jiu-Jitsu

Em ritmo frenético de competição, a faixa-preta Nathiely de Jesus, da equipe PSLPB Cícero Costha, mordeu mais um ouro...

Campeão de Jiu-Jitsu, Marcel Fortuna assina com o UFC e estreia em fevereiro

Mais um atleta cria do Jiu-Jitsu, chega ao ápice da carreira no MMA ao assinar com o UFC. GRACIEMAG apurou com exclus...

Royce Gracie: ‘I Don’t Like Shamrock, I’m Going To Torture Him’

The long-awaited fight between Royce Gracie and Ken Shamrock is coming up soon. This fight will be the third in an ex...

US National Pro Texas: last weeks to register, sign up now

After a successful Grand Slam LA, the UAEJJF already has another event to invite you to compete in. On November 8, th...
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