CM System RSS

Vídeo: Um dia de Jiu-Jitsu na academia CM System, com Cristiano Marcello

Ex-atleta do UFC e hoje treinador de Jiu-Jitsu e MMA, Cristiano Marcello sempre levou a bandeira da arte suave consig...

Cristiano Marcello faces down “room of terror” to avoid turbulence at UFC Rio 3

Having taken to Twitter to plead for a spot at UFC Rio, Jiu-Jitsu black belt Cristiano Marcello saw his request fulfi...

Cristiano Marcello encara o “quarto do terror” para evitar turbulências no UFC Rio 3‏

Depois de pedir via Twitter uma chance no UFC Rio, o faixa-preta de Jiu-Jitsu Cristiano Marcello foi atendido e vai e...

Bruno Carvalho set to fight at Dream, awaits K-1 opportunity

Pleased as punch after his team, CM System, turned two years old, black belt Cristiano Marcello called up GRACIEMAG.c...

Bruno Carvalho luta no Dream e aguarda chance no K-1

Feliz da vida após ver sua equipe, a CM System, completar dois anos, o faixa-preta Cristiano Marcello ligou para o GR...

The fight gang’s trip around Jordan

December 8 was an historic day in Amman, Jordan, as the Desert Force Fight Championship debuted there, with members o...

Cristiano Marcello heads to Jordan and provokes “wimp chicken”

With a quick submission over Guido Caneti at this Saturday’s Bitetti Combat 8 event in São Paulo, Cristiano Marcello ...

Overjoyed, Cristiano Marcello to help Morango for the UFC

Not having fought since September 2007, Cristiano Marcello returned on the right foot and quickly put away Argentina’...

Ceconi and Batman win at Warrior’s Challenge

Ivan “Batman” Jorge (Ataque Duplo) beat Mario Soldado (CM System) on the 30th in Warrior’s Challenge 4, which took pl...
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