De la Riva RSS

A Grip-Based Framework for the de la Riva Guard – Stephan Kesting

The four and a half fundamental grips for the de la Riva guard, and how they determine which techniques and combinati...

Triangle from Spider / DLR Sweep – Essence Of Jiu-Jitsu

Triangle from Spider / DLR Sweep – Essence Of Jiu-Jitsu

Essential Ways to Pass Reverse De La Riva and Finish – Jackson Sousa

Jackson Sousa, Mundial World Champion, Pan American No Gi Champion and Black Belt under Rico Vieira is here filmed by...

Reverse Armbar from De La Riva – Fabio Gurgel

In this situation the starting guard De La Riva, with the arm dominated the same side of the hook and the opposite ha...

De La Riva hook adjustments with Gil Catarino and Mahamed Aly

Some interesting adjustments by Gil Catarino and Mahamed Aly

Footlock from DLR – Alberto Serrano

DLR Footlock | How to BJJ Techniques by Alberto Serrano

De la Riva Sweep direct into X Pass

VideoDe la Riva Sweep direct into X Pass – De la riva sweep to the X pass to the leg drag position

Ricardo Liborio: Overhead Flip and Mount from De La Riva

Ricardo Liborio BJJ Tip of the Month: Overhead Flip and Mount from De La Riva

The HIGHEST PERCENTAGE de la Riva sweep!

This is the FIRST de la Riva sweep I teach anyone looking to learn the guard. It works on standing opponents of all s...

Ricardo de la Riva on creation of DLR hook & historic roll with Murilo Bustamante

Ricardo de la Riva on creation of DLR hook, historic roll with Murilo Bustamante

Stop the knee cut from de la Riva- the “de la stamp”

Stop the knee cut from de la Riva with one One SIMPLE trick…the “de la stamp”

3 things you MUST know to keep your de la Riva guard

Learn the Invisible Jiu Jitsu involved in retaining the de la Riva guard from 1st degree black belt under Master Rica...
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