Couples who practice BJJ together win more medals

Luiza Monteiro against Penny Thomas in the No-Gi Worlds final / Photo by Ivan Trindade/

As Grandmaster Helio Gracie used to always say, “Jiu-Jitsu was made especially for the weak, for women and children.” Therefore couples who train together aren’t just following the master’s advice; they’re taking the path to a healthy, safe and happy life.

That’s what Luiza Monteiro and her boyfriend, Leandro Lo, demonstrated last weekend at the latest No-Gi World Championship. The couple went home with four medals between them—one gold, one silver and two bronze.

While Lo’s path of victory halted at Xande Ribeiro in the absolute final and at Tanquinho in the lightweight semifinal, his black belt better half didn’t let the gold get away from her in the middleweight final, against Penny Thomas.

Luiza nearly pulled off an armbar, but Penny paid her back with a takedown. The Cícero Costha representative first drew even before sinking the battle-ending kneebar.

The post Couples who practice BJJ together win more medals first appeared on Graciemag.
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