Vitor Belfort uninterested in Gegard Mousasi fight, wants title shot

Vitor Belfort, shown here knocking out Luke Rockhold in the main event of UFC on FX 8 in Brazil, doesn’t feel Gegard Mousasi deserves a fight with him. Photo via UFC Facebook.

Regardless of a campaign by Gegard Mousasi to fight him, Vitor Belfort isn’t interested.

The Brazilian middleweight said in a recent interview that the former Strikeforce middleweight champion hasn’t proven himself worthy before earning a fight with him.

“If Mousasi wants to fight someone, go fight [Luke] Rockhold or go fight [Michael] Bisping,” Belfort told “He has to prove himself.”

Belfort is coming off a memorable knockout-win over Rockhold at UFC on FX 8, and says that all he can imaging for his next fight would be a shot at the middleweight title.

The fighter added he doesn’t agree with the social media campaigns of fighters asking for fights and title shots.

“I don’t like how people are using Twitter and trying, ‘Oh, let me fight [him]. He’s a good fight,'” he said. “No, I want to fight for the belt. That’s my goal.”

Mousasi is fresh off a successful UFC debut at UFC on Fuel TV 9, where the Dutchman fought a light heavyweight bout against Ilir Latifi. Following the win, Mousasi told that he’s likely going to drop a weight class to 185 pounds. Now it seems he has his eyes set on Belfort, despite the former UFC champion’s take on the matter.

“If you want to fight Vitor Belfort, you gotta earn it,” Belfort said of himself. “You can’t just [fight me] because you won something a long time ago.

“I’m not a ladder to anyone. Guys want to cut corners.”

The post Vitor Belfort uninterested in Gegard Mousasi fight, wants title shot first appeared on Graciemag.
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