UK: Last chance to win a travel package to Abu Dhabi World Pro is Feb. 15


For those looking to earn a free travel package to the Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Championship in April, look no further. UK residents can make their way to Birmingham for the UK – London trial to compete for the gold and the opportunity to attend the main event.

In partnership with Braulio Estima, the trial will be held on Feb. 15 and offer packages to 23 adults via weight division or open weight first place and up to five kids chosen by the organizer.

The countdown for the UK – London WPJJC trial has begun. Late registration ends on Feb. 10 with a cost of £75.

The event will be held at the Doug Ellis Sports Centre: City North Campus, Birmingham City University, 150 Wellhead Ln, Birmingham B42 2SY.

To register and find out more information go to

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