Sumi Gaeshi: An Optimal High Crotch Counter

Takedowns are a must if you want to dictate the pace of a match. Joe Rogan said that fighters with strong takedown games can push the pace better because the takedown threat is always looming.

So your training partner just shot for a takedown and he’s going for the High Crotch… What should you do in this situation?

Well, one of the best options at your disposal is to go for the Sumi Gaeshi.
John Danaher shows why the Sumi Gaeshi is such an optimal High Crotch counter:

Score From The Feet With These Highly Effective Takedown Techniques Made Simple And Safe from 6x ADCC Champion Andre Galvao.

  • Attack highly effective takedowns with this complete class in no gi grappling takedowns, from six-time ADCC World Champion and six-time black belt world champion Andre Galvao.

The post Sumi Gaeshi: An Optimal High Crotch Counter appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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