Report: UFC Has Been Sold For 4.2 Billion

For the second time in the promotion’s twenty-plus-year history, the world’s largest mixed martial arts promotion has been sold, for 4.2 billion reported at FloCombat.

Despite the fact that the promotion has been sold to a conglomerate of companies, current UFC President Dana White will be remaining in his role, while the Fertitta brothers will be out of the company altogether.

Although there is no time frame for the official announcement by the promotion or the conglomerate about the sale, rumors suggest that the announcement could come by UFC 200.

The Fertitta Brothers have been looking to sell the promotion for a little while now, as they have been wanting to buy an NFL franchise. The exact franchise they are looking to buy is not yet known.

The coming days and months are going to be amazing ones for the UFC and MMA fans alike. So you better be ready!

The post Report: UFC Has Been Sold For 4.2 Billion appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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